Associated Fuel Systems has implemented the following policies in guidance by the CDC recommendations for COVID-19 Policies and Procedures.

  • More robust and frequent facility sanitizing protocols to ensure our facilities are cleaned several times daily, especially high traffic and high touch areas such as doorknobs and counters.
  • A social distancing policy for employees at all times whether at one of our facilities or at one of yours, including limiting in person meetings and maintaining proper distances when they are necessary to minimize social exposure.
  • A stay at home policy if an employee exhibits any signs of illness (whether COVID-19 related of otherwise).
  • Elimination of non-essential travel and meetings.
  • A “no handshake” policy – period.
  • Extensive guidance and training to ensure employees who visit your sites observe the guidelines outlined above as well as any additional requirements imposed by your organization.

Our thoughts are with those who have been impacted, either directly or indirectly, by the Coronavirus (COVID-19).  Associated Fuel Systems Team’s top priority is to keep our employees, families, and communities safe while delivering the best customer experience possible.

Our business location remains open, but we do ask that you call the office or email your Sales Representative as an alternative to coming to our office.

Our team will closely monitor the evolving situation for any changes to our operations and/or potential disruptions.

Thank you for your ongoing support!